CS65 Intro to CS I

Course materials and notes for Professor Moore's CS65 Intro to CS I


Meredith Moore
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
325 Collier Scripps Hall
More about Professor Moore

Office Hours

T / R : 11:00am - 1:00pm
Friday : 11:00am - 12:30pm
Walking office hours Friday @ 1pm
Or by appointment

CS Tutors:

Tutors are free and Zoom appointments can be made at the Tutoring Website

Welcome to CS65 Intro to Computer Science 💻

This website is where you will be able to find course resources like code, assignments and slides. The schedule below will be kept up to date.

Assignment descriptions can be found on Blackboard and should be turned in using Blackboard.

Syllabus: 🗒️

Fall 2022 Syllabus

Schedule 📆


  1. I’m stuck on an assignment, what should I do?
  2. Who are you? What kind of research do you do?